February 14, 2025 17:35:42



Result and Grading System:

The overall achievement of each student will be measured by a final aggregate percentage of all final semester examinations and graded as follow: –

  • Distinction :     > or =80 %
  • First division :     65 % to < 80 %
  • Second division :     50 % to < 65 %
  • Pass :     40 % to < 50 %


  • Students who have passed all the components of all subjects of all three years are considered to have successfully completed the course.
  • Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded with a Proficiency Certificate Level in nursing certificate by CTEVT council.


Plant JTA and Veterinary JTA

Result and Grading System

The grading system will be as follows:

Grading System Overall marks
Distinction 80% or above
First division 75% or above
Second division 65% or above
Third division Pass aggregate to below 65%

Certificate Awarded

The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificate of “Technical School Leaving Certificate in Agriculture (Plant Science)” for Agriculture (Plant Science) and “Technical School Leaving Certificate in Agriculture (Plant Science)” for Veterinary Science to those students who successfully complete the requirements prescribed by CTEVT council.


Certificate award (LAB)

The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificate in “Certificate Level in Medical Health Laboratory Science” to the candidate who successfully completes the requirements as prescribed by the CTEVT.