January 26, 2025 20:49:23

Shubhakamana Technical College


PCL Nursing is a 3 years program affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training [CTEVT]. According to CTEVT, It has given affiliation to 109 nursing colleges to run Proficiency Certificate in Nursing (Staff Nurse) program with a total enrollment capacity of 4340. This college at present conducts a 3 years Proficiency Certificate Level in nursing program with 40 seats per batch. The objective of the PCL Nursing program is to prepare competent and self-reliant basic level nurses to care for individuals, groups and communities using the principles of primary health care.

Nepal Government has adopted a national policy for the attainment of “Health for All beyond the Year 2000 A.D” through the use of the primary health care approach. As a result CTEVT got the mandate to produce middle level trained workforce through CTEVT as well as CTEVT affiliated institutions.

During the process of curriculum development the Nepal Government has endorsed the concept of gerontology care, because the PCL nursing graduates are prominent service providers; the Department of Health has suggested incorporating this new emerging health issues in the curriculum. Likewise the psychiatric nursing theory and clinical hours has increased, similarly a new subject called Basic Science Applied to Nursing has been added that consists of Biochemistry (Microbiology, Parasitological & Virology) and Pharmacology. Some portions of oncology nursing is also has been added in the curriculum. The course is conducted both in theoretical and practical sessions.



Eligibility: Secured at least SLC passed in 2nd division with English, Science, and Compulsory Mathematics or SLC passed in 3rd division plus Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) with 68.33% or grade C in C. Mathematics, C. English and C. Science in Secondary Education Examination (SEE) from recognized academic institution and an average GPA of at least 2. or as per provisions mentioned on CTEVT admission guidelines.

Entrance: A three hours entrance examination will be held for one comprehensive paper (50 marks each for English, Math and Science). The questions will be of multiple choices. Candidates must pass the entrance examination and the selection will be based on the merit list in the descending order.



Quota Distribution





Classified Scholarship



Merit Scholarship




This course is based on the job required to perform by the Staff Nurse at different levels in public and private sector’s health field in relation to nursing jobs in Nepal. Therefore, this curriculum is designed to provide knowledge and skills focusing on nursing related occupation. In total of three years; the first year course is offered focusing on basic nursing care in hospital and in the community, provides foundational nursing practices; the second year course is focuses on preventive, primitive as well as therapeutic nursing care of sick. Similarly, the third year the course comprise of the obstetrics and gynecology as well as leadership and management.

NURSING is a Bio-Psycho-Social science which focuses on the person/family/community attempting to restore or maintain balance and adapt to stress in the environment. The nurse practitioner is involved in an interpersonal relationship which utilizes the Nursing Process in order to meet the person’s basic needs and achieve and maintain a stable state of equilibrium.

In this curriculum each subject has its code; full marks; and credit hours divided into lecture hours, tutorial hours, and practical hours.


The total duration of this curricular program is three years. The program is based on yearly system. Moreover, one year consist of around 45 academic weeks including evaluation period. Actual teaching learning hours will be not less than 40 weeks in each year.


Teaching Learning Methodologies:

The methods of teachings for this curricular program will be a combination of several approaches. Such as Illustrated Lecture, Tutorial, Group Discussion, Demonstration, Simulation, Guided practice, Independent practice, Practical experiences, Fieldwork, Report writing, Term paper presentation, Case analysis, Tutoring, Role-playing, Heuristic, Project work and Other Independent learning.

Theory: Lecture, Discussion, Seminar, Interaction, Assignment, Group work, paper presentation.

Practical: Clinical, Demonstration, Observation visit, Guided practice, Self-practice, Project work, institutional clinical practices (mental health, geriatric home, school health, hospice care etc.)

Pass Marks:

The students must secure minimum of 40% marks in theory and 50% in practical (Lab). Moreover, the students must secure minimum of 40% marks in the internal assessment and 40% in the final yearly examination of each subject to pass all subjects except in practical (50%) offered in each year.

Grading System:

The overall achievement of each student will be measured by a final aggregate percentage of all final semester examinations and graded as follow: –


  • Distinction :     > or =80 %
  • First division :     65 % to < 80 %
  • Second division :     50 % to < 65 %
  • Pass :     40 % to < 50 %


  • Students who have passed all the components of all subjects of all three years are considered to have successfully completed the course.
  • Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded with a Proficiency Certificate Level in nursing certificate by CTEVT.

Career Path:

The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 1st class (technical) as Staff Nurse or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal. The graduate will be eligible for registration/take examination with the related Council in the grade as provisioned in the related Council Act (if any).

The graduates are eligible to go for Bachelor of Nursing or equivalent Course as per university rule.

