October 13, 2024 22:46:57


Staff Nurse
  • The subject teacher will internally assess the students’ achievement in each subject during the course followed by a final examination at the end of each year.
  • A weight age of 20% for the internal assessment and 80% for the year wise final examination will be allocated for theoretical components of a subject.
  • The final yearly examinations of all theory components will be administered through written tests.
  • Generally the m
  • Method of continuous assessment will be adopted for practical components.
  • Student who fails in the internal assessment will not be allowed to sit in the final yearly examination and will also be not allowed continuing the following year.


Agriculture (Plant Science) & Veterinary Science
  • The subject teacher will internally assess the students’ achievement in each subject during the course followed by a final examination at the end of each year.
  • A weight age of 20% for the internal assessment and 80% for the year wise final examination will be allocated for theoretical components of a subject.
  • The final yearly examinations of all theory components will be administered through written tests.
  • Generally the method of continuous assessment will be adopted for practical components.
  • Student who fails in the internal assessment will not be allowed to sit in the final yearly examination and will also be not allowed continuing the following year.


Diploma in Lab Technician

Final Examination is written exam, Practical exam and Viva voice weight age of theory and practical marks will be according to the course structure

  • Final exam carries 80% of the total marks.
  • Must pass internal assessment exams (both theory and practical) to appear in the final examination.
  • Provision of re-examination as per CTEVT policy.
  • Provision for administering practical examination by Laboratory Medicine Technologists/ Scientists and expert in respective subjects.
  • One examiner in one setting can evaluate not more than 20 students per day for final practical examination
  • Practical examination should be administered in actual situation on relevant subject with provision of at least one external examiner from the concerned or affiliating institute.
  • Maintain practical log book duly sign by supervisor